Your kitchen sink gets a lot of frequent uses, from washing hands before and after every meal preparation to rinsing off soiled dishes. Even while water and soap may be the main ingredients traveling down your kitchen sink’s drain, residual food scraps and filth will inevitably find their way in at some point. Small quantities may be managed, but frequent occurrences might cause issues. But over time, this accumulation might result in a blocked sink.

Your sink will be useless if it is blocked. Nothing will be able to flow down the drain because the water from the faucet will go back up into the sink. But if you take the proper steps, a drain blockage may be easily avoided.

By reading this, learn about how drain clogs develop, how to avoid blocked sinks, and what to do if it causes water damage to your home.

  1. Avoid Pouring Foods and Oils down the Drain

Being careful with what goes down the drain is an excellent way to avoid blockages in your kitchen sink.

A drain blockage is more likely to develop if you pour grease, cooking oils, food, and other debris into the kitchen sink and down the drain. A blocked sink is significantly less likely if such material is never or seldom poured down the drain.

In light of this, consider your options for handling the oils, grease, food, and other waste you ordinarily throw down the drain.

  1. Keep Cooking Oils and Grease in another Location for Later use or Disposal.

Consider keeping grease and oils in containers rather than pouring them into your kitchen sink. You have three options for disposing of them: in the trash, at a recycling facility, or by saving them to later use in cooking.

Don’t pour the fat from frying bacon, for instance, down the kitchen sink drain afterward. Instead, pour it into a container that you may subsequently dispose of or use to cook with in the future. To ensure you remember the many oils you gather, mark the container with its contents.

  1. Add a Filter to the Kitchen Sink

You should install a filter on your kitchen sink to stop food and other materials from going down the drain. When you rinse and clean soiled dishes, a filter will capture larger food particles and different types of debris while still allowing water to go down the drain. When the filter is complete, dump the contents and discard the extra food in the trash or compost pile. Please put it back in the sink after that.

There are filters with tiny apertures made of stainless steel mesh and simpler-to-clean silicone strainers. Whatever your requirements, a kitchen filter is available to assist in avoiding a blocked sink.

  1. Drain-Cleaning

Regular cleaning may help reduce the likelihood of drain obstruction. Although cleaning it won’t instantly stop a blocked sink, it will reduce the chances of getting clogged.

For instance, just pouring hot water down the drain after each usage can help food and other particles pass faster. The hot water will also melt oil and fat buildup in the gutter. However, it works better when combined with some hot water and baking soda. In addition to clearing the drain, the baking soda will help eliminate any smells that may still be there. Just be careful not to pour strong chemicals like Drano down the drain.

Pour a cup of vinegar down your kitchen sink drain for a complete drain cleaning. Any food buildup in the pipe will be removed thanks to the acetic acid in the vinegar. However, adding hot water after using vinegar increases its effectiveness. Therefore, after 30 minutes, flush the drain with some hot water.

Sink Blockages and Water Damage

Do not procrastinate taking care of the problem if a blocked kitchen sink has caused water damage to your house. This is because water damage becomes worse with time.

Porous furniture and construction materials will absorb extra moisture until it is eliminated. In addition, water damage fosters the formation of mold. If mold does grow, it will worsen the situation.

Professional Services for Water Damage Restoration

Master can assist with the damage brought by your blocked sink through our specialized water damage repair services. The skilled professionals will remove the additional water and completely dry your home using cutting-edge water extraction and drying equipment. After that, we’ll clean the impacted areas and return your damaged goods to their original condition.